Adding a Folder

Folders are used to store your webpages and forms in a similar way to Folders and Files on your computer.

To add a new folder follow these steps:

  1. Go to Web Pages and you will see a page similar to the image on the left
  2. Click on Add Folder (You must have the right Global Office privileges to do this)




3. A form similar to the one below will be shown:


Folder parent - If you would like your folder to be a drop down menu then select which folder it should appear under here. For example you may want Years 11 - 14 to appear under the Children's folder. 

Folder name - Enter the name for this new folder

Live - Select Yes if this folder is to be available on the website straight away

If more than one page exists per folder, display them in this order - Select from 'Default', 'Alphabetically (A-Z)', 'Alphabetically (Z-A)', 'Date Added (Newest First)', 'Data Added (Oldest First)', 'Custom (Manually order pages within this folder)'.

Show Folder - Select Yes if this folder is to appear in the menu system

Folder Access - This is an Edit Plus feature for sites that have member features enabled. You can restrict access to this folder to:
 - Everyone
 - Members Only
 - Restricted Group

Press Next to create your folder.  You will then be able to add web pages and forms to your site.

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